Minimum Age for Criminal Liability Laws and Marginalized Communities in Indian Sexual Offenses

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Ms. Ameesha
Dr. Abhishek Baplawat


This paper provides a comprehensive examination of the multifaceted approaches to addressing sexual offenses, focusing on legal frameworks, marginalization, and restorative justice practices. It explores the intricate interplay between legal responses, societal attitudes, and the experiences of survivors in navigating systems of justice and support. Legal frameworks serve as a cornerstone in addressing sexual offenses, encompassing criminalization, deterrence, and punishment of perpetrators. However, the effectiveness of legal measures is contingent upon their accessibility, responsiveness to survivors' needs, and the impact of systemic biases.

Marginalization exacerbates the challenges faced by survivors in accessing justice, with intersecting forms of discrimination contributing to underreporting, mistrust of authorities, and barriers to support services. Furthermore, this paper delves into the role of NGOs and civil society organizations in filling gaps in services, advocating for survivors' rights, and challenging societal attitudes and norms that perpetuate violence and stigma.

Moreover, restorative justice practices offer an alternative approach that prioritizes healing, accountability, and community involvement. By centering survivors' voices, promoting offender accountability, and engaging community support, restorative justice contributes to the creation of safer, more supportive communities. However, it's essential to recognize that restorative justice may not be appropriate or feasible in all cases and should complement rather than replace traditional legal responses.

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How to Cite
Ms. Ameesha, & Baplawat, D. A. (2024). Minimum Age for Criminal Liability Laws and Marginalized Communities in Indian Sexual Offenses. CINEFORUM, 64(2), 59–83. Retrieved from
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