Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Influence on Stakeholder Relationships

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Ayesha Khan
Dr. Ahmad Al-Khalidi


An increasingly important part of modern company practises is corporate social responsibility (CSR). corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes and the ties between corporations and their stakeholders. The study's overarching goal is to learn how CSR initiatives affect the
views and relationships of several groups of people: consumers, workers, shareholders, and the general public. is a mixed-methods strategy that uses quantitative and qualitative approaches to gather data. Quantitative data is collected through surveys sent to a varied group of stakeholders across different industries, while qualitative data is derived from in-depth
interviews with important stakeholders.

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How to Cite
Ayesha Khan, & Dr. Ahmad Al-Khalidi. (2022). Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Influence on Stakeholder Relationships. CINEFORUM, 62(2), 7–11. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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