The Economics of Blockbuster Films: Understanding Box Office Success and Market Trends

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Dr. Isabella Garcia


"The Economics of Blockbuster Films: Understanding Box Office Success and Market Trends" investigates the intricate dynamics behind the financial success of blockbuster films in the global entertainment industry. the factors that contribute to box office success, the economics of film production and distribution, and the market trends that shape audience preferences and industry strategies. The first section of this paper provides an overview of the blockbuster phenomenon, tracing its historical roots and evolution in the film industry. From the rise of the studio system to the emergence of modern blockbuster franchises, the cultural, technological, and economic factors that have shaped the blockbuster landscape.

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How to Cite
Garcia, D. I. (2024). The Economics of Blockbuster Films: Understanding Box Office Success and Market Trends. CINEFORUM, 65(3), 181–184. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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