AI based Learning App for Students with Special Needs

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V. Manoj Prabhakaran
Dr. P. Pandia Rajammal
V. Alex Allan Raja


This paper discusses the development track of the mobile application “FlexTutor” which is designed to help users of diverse backgrounds and needs to use digital libraries easily and effectively learn using mobile applications. The paper is subdivided into sections that address the status quo, work done and how the application can potentially help to address the issues and the possible improvements to shorten the gaps in effective education systems due to language, accessibility and physical barriers.

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How to Cite
Prabhakaran, V. M., Rajammal, D. P. P., & Raja, V. A. A. (2024). AI based Learning App for Students with Special Needs. CINEFORUM, 65(3), 11–19. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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