A Smart Study of Dhatuphoshan Naya Through Virtual Reality

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Anshuman Srivastava
DR. Tapan Kant
Shubham Verma


Aims to deliver an immersive educational experience in Ayurveda through Virtual Reality. This initiative involvescollaborating with Ayurvedic experts to ensure accuracy. It focuses on explaining the core Ayurvedic concepts of transformation (Dhatus), transportation (Srotas), and selection (Agni). Interactive elements like quizzes and real-time manipulation of processes engage users and testheir comprehension. Progress tracking and personalized feedback enhance the learning experience. This simplifies the concept to make it accessible even to students with lower intellectual capacities. Dhatuposhana Nyayas consist of four Nyayas employed for elucidating Dhatuposhana. These Nyayas aid in revealing the underlying facets within it. By comprehending the Dhatuposhana Nyayas clearly, one can grasp Dhatuposhana and its relevance. Therefore, an effort has been made to grasp the Dhatuposhana Nyayas and their relevance.

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How to Cite
Srivastava, A., Tapan Kant, D., & Verma, S. (2024). A Smart Study of Dhatuphoshan Naya Through Virtual Reality. CINEFORUM, 65(3), 1–10. Retrieved from https://revistadecineforum.com/index.php/cf/article/view/63
Journal Article


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