Supply Chain Management: Ensuring Efficiency and Sustainability

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Nidhi Agarwal
Dr. Manoj Varma


The book "Supply Chain Management: Ensuring Efficiency and Sustainability" provides an indepth examination of the complexities and requirements that are associated with the field of supply chain management (SCM). It is of the utmost importance for businesses that want to flourish and make significant contributions to the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of their communities to ensure that their supply chains are both efficient and sustainable in today's world, which is characterised by global interconnectedness and rapid change. concepts, methods, and practises that are fundamental to the management of supply chains are referred to as logistics. Supply chains are the lifelines that connect manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and consumers. This highlights the fundamental relevance of supply networks as very important. Organizations are able to optimise their operations, cut costs, improve customer happiness, and minimise their environmental imprint when they view their operations through the lens of supply chain management (SCM).

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How to Cite
Nidhi Agarwal, & Dr. Manoj Varma. (2024). Supply Chain Management: Ensuring Efficiency and Sustainability. CINEFORUM, 64(1), 29–34. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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