Injury Prevention Strategies in Contact Sports

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Lata Reddy
Naina Kapoor


Intense physicality and cutthroat competitiveness define contact sports, which provide the rush of triumph along with the danger of harm. at the crossroads of science, technology, and player safety—the vital area of contact sports injury prevention. In order to safeguard the health of athletes participating in these strenuous activities, our investigation includes an exhaustive review of injury kinds, risk factors, and evidence-based approaches. Many other types of athletic competitions fall under the umbrella term "contact sports," including MMA, football, rugby, soccer, and hockey. Injuries, from minor strains to more serious ones like concussions and fractures, pose a constant threat in this setting. injuries that commonly occur in contact sports, with a focus on the areas of the body that are most vulnerable to damage. It delves further into the mechanics and causes of these injuries, illuminating the intricate web of variables that put players in danger.

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How to Cite
Lata Reddy, & Naina Kapoor. (2024). Injury Prevention Strategies in Contact Sports. CINEFORUM, 64(1), 11–16. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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