Foreign Investment and the Indian Economy: A Study

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Harini Iyer
Dr. Ishan Bhatnagar


Changes of a substantial nature have taken place in the Indian economy during the past several years, particularly as a result of the liberalisation of its laws toward foreign investment. the influence that foreign investment has had on the Indian economy, including the contribution that it has made to economic development, the creation of jobs, and the transfer of technology. The study examines trends in foreign investment inflows and outflows, the industries that have attracted the most foreign investment, and the factors that influence foreign investors' decision to invest in India. The study makes use of both qualitative and quantitative methods to conduct
its analysis. In addition to this, the research investigates the policies and laws of the government that have either encouraged or discouraged foreign investment in the nation from the beginning.

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How to Cite
Harini Iyer, & Dr. Ishan Bhatnagar. (2023). Foreign Investment and the Indian Economy: A Study. CINEFORUM, 63(4), 23–26. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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