Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Organizational Performance

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Ritu Singh


the many different leadership styles that are utilised by leaders in companies and the direct impact that these styles have on the overall success of the company. An exhaustive examination of several leadership styles, such as transformational, transactional, laissez-faire, and servant leadership, is included in the scope of the inquiry. Through the use of empirical data and case studies, this research investigates the connections that exist between different leadership styles and important performance metrics. These indicators include things like employee happiness, productivity, and financial results. The results shed light on the relevance of aligning leadership strategies with the particular requirements and circumstances of the business, revealing the
subtle influence that various leadership styles have on the performance of the organisation.
Leaders, human resource professionals, and academics who are interested in improving
organisational performance and optimising leadership techniques can benefit greatly from the
insights provided by this research.

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How to Cite
Ritu Singh. (2023). Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Organizational Performance. CINEFORUM, 63(2), 7–12. Retrieved from https://revistadecineforum.com/index.php/cf/article/view/29
Journal Article


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