The Psychology of Sports Fandom

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Dr. Li Wei
Prof. Mei Chen
Dr. Zhang Wei
Dr. Lei Ming


There are no geographical, cultural, or social barriers that can contain the universality of sports fanaticism. When people develop a strong emotional bond with their favourite sports teams and players, it goes beyond a mere interest in the sport or team. the complex mentality of sports fans, delving into the reasons, feelings, and actions that characterise this remarkable and everpresent habit. A sense of self and community are the fundamental motivators of sports fanaticism. Many fans take on the triumphs and tragedies of their favourite teams, creating a shared identity that brings them together. the mental and social processes that drive this trend, illuminating the ways in which sports fanaticism fosters a feeling of community and commonality among followers.

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How to Cite
Dr. Li Wei, Prof. Mei Chen, Dr. Zhang Wei, & Dr. Lei Ming. (2023). The Psychology of Sports Fandom. CINEFORUM, 63(1), 8–12. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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