The Impact of E-Commerce on Traditional Retail Businesses

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Dr. Amina Zahra


A comparison of the impact that purchasing online has had on traditional retailers. Traditional stores that are made of brick and mortar are facing significant challenges as a consequence of the proliferation of online shopping and the growing popularity of e-commerce platforms. internet shopping has had an impact on traditional brick-and-mortar retailers, and it is important to identify the factors that have contributed to the success or failure of these establishments. Through the review of relevant literature, the analysis of relevant industry reports, and the examination of relevant case studies, one can acquire a comprehensive understanding of the impact that e-commerce has on brick-and-mortar retail sales, consumer habits, operational efficiencies, and market competitiveness. In addition to this, it investigates the ways in which traditional retailers are adjusting to the expansion of internet shopping.

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How to Cite
Dr. Amina Zahra. (2022). The Impact of E-Commerce on Traditional Retail Businesses. CINEFORUM, 62(1), 7–12. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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