Educational Interventions for Children with Special Educational Needs: A Path Towards Inclusivity

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Kaloyan Damyanov


This paper discusses the opportunities for educational support for children with SEN and the potential for their integration into the academic environment. In the paper, different sorts of SEN are discussed, and some of the areas highlighted in the module include the following: There are multiple dimensions to difference, valuing diversity is the way forward, and providing inclusive learning environments. Differentiated instruction, the use of assistive technology, and team-teaching strategies are explained further, as well as Instructional IEPs. Also, the teachers' and related non-teaching staff responsibilities and the issues related to the effective application of the principles are discussed. The paper ends with a summary of the educational intervention for children with special education needs, the benefits of its implementation, and the challenges that may be met while implementing it.

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How to Cite
Kaloyan Damyanov. (2024). Educational Interventions for Children with Special Educational Needs: A Path Towards Inclusivity. CINEFORUM, 64(3S), 88–100. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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