Deep Learning Approaches for Image Recognition and Natural Language Processing

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Meenakshi Mann


Deep learning has emerged as a transformative technology in the fields of image recognition and natural language processing (NLP), enabling unprecedented levels of accuracy and efficiency. the latest deep learning approaches applied to these domains. In image recognition, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have revolutionized the ability to detect and classify objects within images, with applications spanning from medical imaging to autonomous vehicles. We explore various architectures such as Alex Net, VGG, Res Net, and more recent innovations like Efficient Net and Vision Transformers (ViTs). For natural language processing, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, and transformer models like BERT and GPT have significantly advanced the understanding and generation of human language. This review discusses the underlying principles of these models, their training methodologies, and their performance on benchmark datasets. Additionally, we address the challenges associated with deep learning, including computational resource requirements and the need for large annotated datasets. Ethical considerations, such as bias in model predictions and data privacy, are also examined. provide researchers and practitioners with a thorough understanding of the current state of deep learning in image recognition and NLP, highlighting key advancements and identifying future research directions to overcome existing limitations and enhance the capabilities of these technologies.

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How to Cite
Mann, M. (2024). Deep Learning Approaches for Image Recognition and Natural Language Processing. CINEFORUM, 34–40. Retrieved from
Conference Paper


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