Impact of Native Advertising on Brand Awareness in the Era of Short Video Platforms

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Wen Wen


Short video platforms are frequently gaining popularity and, thus, hold more and more resources as potential advertising media. The purpose of our study is to complete an analysis of native advertising on short video platforms and its impact on brand awareness. During the week of our experimental study, participants consumed native advertising short videos of both big corporate brands and small independent brands of the interior design and decoration industry. The results show that native advertising does positively influence brand awareness, showing special dynamics for small independent brands. Such aspects as brand image and strategy, overall video design and content, sponsored influencers involved, and sponsorship disclosure are the deciding factors in native advertising success. While these features are different for various brands, the overall architecture of short video platforms allows us to extend the apparatus of native advertising. The findings of this study can be applied by both theoretical researchers in their analysis of short video platforms’ advertising potential and the practicing marketing specialists who work on promoting their brands via short video platforms. The research can be extended in the future by adding the analysis of the platform algorithms and their impact on the effectiveness of native advertising and brand awareness in general.

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How to Cite
Wen, W. (2024). Impact of Native Advertising on Brand Awareness in the Era of Short Video Platforms. CINEFORUM, 63(4), 1–12. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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