Leadership Challenges in Multinational Corporations: Strategies for Effective Global Management

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Dr. Karanjeet Kaur


Leadership in multinational corporations (MNCs) presents unique challenges due to the complexities of managing diverse teams, navigating cultural differences, and aligning global strategies with local market dynamics. the critical leadership challenges faced by MNC executives and proposes strategies for fostering effective global management. theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence to identify key leadership challenges such as cultural integration, communication barriers, and decision-making across geographically dispersed teams. It investigates how successful leaders in MNCs leverage adaptive leadership styles, cross-cultural competence, and strategic alignment to mitigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities in a global context. Case studies and comparative analyses illustrate best practices and innovative approaches adopted by MNC leaders to enhance organizational resilience, innovation, and performance across international markets. The study emphasizes the importance of ethical leadership, talent development, and continuous learning in building a cohesive global leadership strategy that drives sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

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How to Cite
Kaur, D. K. (2024). Leadership Challenges in Multinational Corporations: Strategies for Effective Global Management. CINEFORUM, 64(2), 230–233. Retrieved from https://revistadecineforum.com/index.php/cf/article/view/120
Journal Article


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