Role of Gender and Relationship in Harold Pinter’s Plays

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Dr. Nisha


In Harold Pinter's plays, the themes of gender and relationships are intricately woven into the fabric of his narratives, often reflecting complex power dynamics and societal norms. Pinter's exploration of gender roles challenges traditional expectations, portraying characters who subvert or conform to these roles in ways that highlight their vulnerabilities and strengths. His depiction of relationships is marked by tension, ambiguity, and psychological depth, where characters often engage in power struggles and emotional manipulation. Gender in Pinter's plays serves as a lens through which he critiques societal expectations and explores the ways in which identity is constructed and performed. Relationships, whether romantic, familial, or platonic, are depicted with a keen eye for the dynamics of control and dependency, revealing the fragility of human connections and the underlying currents of desire and repression. Through his distinct use of language and silence, Pinter creates a world where what remains unsaid often carries as much weight as spoken dialogue, inviting audiences to contemplate the complexities of intimacy and power in both personal and social contexts.

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How to Cite
Dr. Nisha. (2024). Role of Gender and Relationship in Harold Pinter’s Plays. CINEFORUM, 64(2), 158–169. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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