Green Initiatives in Hospitality: Evaluating Awareness and Adoption Rates Among Hotels

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Santanu Sarma
Dr. Samannoy Baruah


The hospitality industry plays a significant role in global environmental impact, prompting a growing emphasis on green initiatives to reduce its ecological footprint. This paper investigates the current state of awareness and adoption rates of green practices among hotels, aiming to identify key factors influencing sustainability efforts within the industry. A comprehensive literature review establishes the importance of sustainability in hospitality, highlighting benefits such as cost savings, enhanced brand reputation, and environmental stewardship. The research methodology encompasses surveys, interviews, and case studies to assess hoteliers' awareness levels, adoption rates of green practices, and the barriers they face in implementation. Factors influencing adoption include financial considerations, operational challenges, regulatory pressures, and customer expectations. The study identifies best practices and success stories, offering recommendations for improving awareness and fostering a culture of sustainability in hotels. The findings contribute to advancing sustainability efforts in the hospitality sector and suggest avenues for future research and industry collaboration.

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How to Cite
Santanu Sarma, & Dr. Samannoy Baruah. (2024). Green Initiatives in Hospitality: Evaluating Awareness and Adoption Rates Among Hotels. CINEFORUM, 64(2), 104–111. Retrieved from
Journal Article


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