The Influence of Renaissance Art on Modern Painting Techniques

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Prof. Ling Wei


Paintings from the Renaissance had a significant and long-lasting effect on the painting methods used in current art. The Renaissance, which was distinguished by its emphasis on realism and its resurrection of ancient art, was the period that established the groundwork for a great number of artistic developments that continue to have an impact on the artwork of today. The purpose of this concept is to investigate the ways in which Renaissance painters like as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael pioneered innovative approaches in perspective, anatomy, and chiaroscuro that continue to be essential characteristics of contemporary painting. The purpose of this research is to shed light on the enduring legacy of the Renaissance era in shaping the way artists approach their craft in the present day. This is accomplished through a comparative analysis of key artworks from the Renaissance period and their influence on renowned contemporary painters.

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How to Cite
Prof. Ling Wei. (2022). The Influence of Renaissance Art on Modern Painting Techniques. CINEFORUM, 62(1), 1–6. Retrieved from
Journal Article


Gombrich, E. H. (2005). "The Story of Art." Phaidon Press. (This book provides a

comprehensive overview of art history, including the Renaissance era's influence on modern art.)

 Kemp, M. (2011). "Leonardo da Vinci: The Marvellous Works of Nature and Man." Oxford University Press. (A detailed exploration of Leonardo da Vinci's contributions to art and science, with insights into his lasting influence.)

 Vasari, G. (2008). "The Lives of the Artists." Oxford University Press. (An important historical account of Renaissance artists and their impact on subsequent generations.)

 Gardner, H. (1970). "Art through the Ages." Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. (A classic art history textbook that discusses the Renaissance and its impact on later art.)

 Hartt, F. (1989). "History of Italian Renaissance Art." Prentice Hall. (A comprehensive resource on Italian Renaissance art, offering insights into techniques and influences.)

 Paoletti, J. T., & Radke, G. M. (2016). "Art in Renaissance Italy." Pearson. (Focuses on the artistic innovations of the Renaissance and their influence on subsequent art movements.)

 Baxandall, M. (1988). "Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy: A Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style." Oxford University Press. (Examines the social context of Renaissance art.)

Lorenzetti, L. (2019). "Chiaroscuro: Light and Shadow in Painting and Photography."

The Crowood Press. (Explores the use of chiaroscuro in art and photography, tracing its origins to the Renaissance.)

 Smith, P. (2015). "Raphael." Phaidon Press. (A monograph on Raphael, one of the key Renaissance artists, and his enduring influence.)

 Contemporary Art Journals and Periodicals: Refer to recent issues of art journals and periodicals for articles and essays on the contemporary use of Renaissance techniques in modern painting. These may vary depending on your specific research needs.